TP-LINK TL-WN781N is designed to provide a complete end-to-end connection with a server backbone to a switch infrastructure to a desktop with a PCI Express connector. TL-WN781N Wireless Lite N PCI Express(x1) Adapter has broad compatibility, passes through standard PCI Express slot, x1, x4, x8, of x16. Vergeleken met standard PCI netwerkkaarten bet het een large bandbreedte, betrouwbaarheid en meer functionality, zodat je kunt genieten van een snelle en geavanceerde verbinding, zoals downloaden, via internet en video streamen.
The TL-WN781N Wireless Lite N PCI Express Adapter has the IEEE 802.11n, 802.11g and 802.11b standards and is perfectly compatible with 802.11n/b/g. When WMM is based on IEEE 802.11e, it prioritizes Quality of Service (QoS) and network performance. Ook guaranteed WMM Power Save een lager stroomverbruik voor omgevingswerkzaamheden.
TL-WN781N is designed for Quick Security Setup (QSS) functionality, ideal for creating and efficiently monitoring your use and maximizing your management resources. Put external antennas in place where the TL-WN781N can be installed.
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