Deel de vrijheid van 3G! The TL-MR3020 is equipped with a 3G/3.75G mobile adapter and is compatible with 3G/3.75G mobile phones, including family and friends on the road, camping trips, hotels, etc. is. Door een 3G USB modem op de router aan te sluiten, wordt ter plaatse een 3G Wi-Fi hotspot gecreëerd.
If this router is already available, it can be configured with a mini-USB connection, or with a laptop network adapter that can be connected to your stroom. You can switch to a TL-MR3020 laptop and have a platform that can be used to open iPads™, iTouches™, Android™ phones, Kindles™ and even your portable devices come with Wi-Fi.
Compatibility is the same aspect that you need for a 3G router. The best compatibility of all eleven routers in the modem is that they are compatible with TP-LINK and 3G routers are compatible with ISP's in which the word is verified. Over the years, TP-Link teams have continued to use routers with new modems tested, but they have been tested by several routers that have already been tested.
De TL-MR3020 biedt Quick Security Setup, waardoor gebruikers hun beveiliging supersnel kunnen instellen, door eenvoudigweg de WPS toets op de router en te drukken. Hierdoor wordt automatisch een watchige WPA2 verbinding tot stand gebracht, the veiliger is in een WEP versleuteling. Said that there is nothing to do with the normal handling of instructions, but you should know how to deal with it!
De bandbreedte van mobiel breedband est beperkt. The IP QoS function for the TL-MR3020 router is optimal when it comes to the bandwidth of your bandwidth. Wanneer je de mobile breedbandverbinding met eteren deelt, un je palen hoe de bandbreedte wordt verdeeld op base van jouw eisen.
The TL-MR3020 can be installed over and over again. I have installed the USB modem on the router and it is connected to the SSID on the computer and it is already there. You can find them online online and on the Internet on the internet. You can use the CD to download the beginner's music and use the Internet to be used beforehand.