TP-LINK TL-SG105E L2 Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) Black

Sale price27,62€
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The 5-port Gigabit Easy Smart Desktop Switch can be used to operate your network easily. Handel je zaken snel en gemakkelijk af, de je nu thuis de op kantoor bent. 5 low-speed 10/100/1,000 Mbps speeds are low and the bandwidth is high, but there is no interference over you. QoS for any warnings that you may receive - You will be able to monitor the delays, the zoos will be sent to you in video IGMP Snooping for multicast-optimalisatie. Zorgt voor een betere netwerkervaring, vooral voor passingen als IPTV, door de levering van multimedia verkeer te optimiseren. VLAN for beveiliging - Help you create a netwerk with higher beveiliging and betere algemene services for your netwerk in small groups and verdelen. TL-SG105E can be used to activate your network and watch your observers. Via a web-based user interface in a management utility, TL-SG105E provides access to various functions, includes network monitoring, prioritizing, and QoS. The internal components of the TL-SG105E must be protected by high-quality metal components which may be used to protect the product. De TL-SG105E heeft een reeks strenge betrouwbaarheidstests doorsstaan ​​en levert schakelprestaties waarop je kunt vertrouwen. New generation Easy Smart Switches from TP-Link are powered by innovative energy technologies. The automatic wording of the stroom is automatically changed and the link status is activated, but the network can be kept to a minimum. Red de planeet en verlaag je energierekening - it is een win-win!

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